Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey party people, donkey guy freaks!!

Did you go to the five hundred followeres party?? If you didn't you missed to much!! There were 2!!! One on live star and one on chocolate. I first went to live star and it rained GREEN BALOONS and EXPAND MAGIC! Then I went to chocolate and it rained sunglasses and... A 500 SHIRT!!!

So awesome huh!!! I then went back to live star and it rained more 500 hundred shirts, g girl shirts, chlos shirts and b boy shirts!!! I then left coz it was 11PM here in England. Please tell me what else happened... I got 7 500 shirts!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

New clothing!

Hey fellows and lady fellows!!
Today there is some new clothes. There's the sombraro and the ant mask. Yes you read right... THE ANT MASK!!! Citizens only!!! BOO HOO!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mimorulz gets 20 day shirt!!!!!

Hey guys,
Guess what I got my 20 day shirt!!
Did you get your 20 day shirt? Did you get your 10 day shirt? Are you going for your 30 day shirt? Still no more answers!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A clothing design!

Hey guys,
I have been working on a new suit today. What do ya think?
I would say it's a clown lady. LOL!!! I hope it becomes a real chobot suit someday!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Club penguin buissness

Hey chopeople!
You may have noticed I have put a few club penguin widgets around my blog like this one:
That does not mean I will stop posting about chobots, it's just I like club penguin loads so I thought I could share some club penguin stuff with you. Trust me: No posting about club penguin! I promise!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mimorulz gets his 10 day shirt!

Hey guys,
Today I got my 10 day shirt!!!! WOO HOO!!!
Did you get your 10 day shirt? Are you going for the 20 day shirt? Am I weird? So many questions but so little answers.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Name my parrot!!!

Hey guys,
I've been thinking. You know the parrot on my shoulder? I think it should have a name. So I am gonna put up a poll of all the suitable names and you can vote which one is best! Happy! Good!
Speaking of polls. Unfortunatly my contest is ruined as the present button got taken away. So the prize is having your name on my blog. I know not a great prize. So the winner is... PLAD556! Woo hoo! Congratulations!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New shirts!!

Hi guys,
Awesome updates. Sorry no photo's coz my thingy thing isn't working to good. But there are new shirts around. If you go on chobots 10 days in a row you get a shirt, same with 20 days and 30!
Also I have noticed people wearing Love shirts, G girl shirts and G boy shirts. I think they got them from rain. Also also, The present and trade button is gone!! Bummer! I liked those buttons.